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Donor Information

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Giving tuesday kilitechwaterforkids

Giving Tuesday! #KiliTechWaterFor



Greetings! Giving Tuesday is only a few days away and while there are many causes to support, and I hope that you consider supporting the fighters in California and families who lost everything in the fires, I am very respectful when announcing that KiliTech’s biggest fundraising day is Giving Tuesday. Last year people gave over $14,000 to KiliTech, and Tony and I matched donations for a total of $28,000, which gave us the means to continue our support of women’s rights and vocation training and providing clean water to over 1,000 kids at Kisimani school (watch the video here of that amazing project)This year through Giving Tuesday we are bringing clean water and building new toilets at Seliani primary school that has over 1,200 kids and we hope to raise enough funds to build a kitchen and additional classrooms.


Our goal is to bring clean water to 10,000 kids by the end of 2020! Here are some of my favorite photos! Thank you for Giving Tuesday and Tony and I wish you health and happiness throughout the year. With love, Laurel and Tony and KiliTech