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Bee keeping training for mwadu group has begun

Bee Keeping Training for MWADU Group has Begun!

Mwadu group learning beekeeping

One of the Social-economic development groups in Majengo Sub-location, MWADU, is attending a Bee keeping Training program prepared for them by KiliTech. The training is supervised and conducted by bee keeping experts from Forest Industries Training Institute located in Moshi, Kilimanjaro. The training took place in the village this week. The trainees were able to understand better about all activities related to beekeeping. Some of which involve;

– Bees and their groups/activities, the queen and the drones in their hives. This was pointed out by the trainer as an important thing to understand in getting to know about beekeeping. In an interview with one of the group members after the training, he said that he now understand the value of bees’ life after getting to know the role of each one of them in making honey.

– The importance of bee keeping, it economic advantages and also the challenges involved in bee keeping.

– They also had a practical session where a box storing a hive of bees was opened for them to see the types of bees including the drones and the queen.

The training is scheduled for four weeks and so far the first week has been well spent and they are looking forward to learn more from the training in the remaining three weeks.

It is KiliTech’s expectation that through this training the group will be able to manage the hives and the business well and that they ultimately be able to improve their living standard and that of their community.